This is "encouraging learning", which contains many idioms and famous sayings.
Mr. Wang said: I can't learn.
Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope, not a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. Although there is a crisis, those who stop coming forward will make it happen. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault.
I've been thinking about it all day. I might as well learn it in a minute. I've tasted it and I'm looking forward to it. Let's go hiking. Climb a trick, the arm does not lengthen, but the person you see is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, but the listener is obvious. Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave.
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. It's not that the snake hole has no sustenance, it's also impetuous.
The gentleman said: learning can't stop.
Indigo is extracted from bluegrass, but its color is bluer than bluegrass; Ice is condensed from water, but it is cooler than water. A piece of wood is very straight, in line with the carpenter's straight ink line, if baked with fire.
Bend to make a wheel, and its curvature can conform to the circle drawn by compasses. Even if it is dry again, it can't be straight any more, which is caused by artificial processing. So the wood is scratched by ink lines, the axe and saw will be straight, and the metal sword will be sharp when it is ground on the grindstone. A gentleman can learn from others and behave himself every day, so that he can be smart and knowledgeable and his behavior can be blameless.
I used to dream all day, but I didn't get a moment's study. I have stood on tiptoe to see far away, so I might as well climb higher and see wider. Climb high, wave your hands, your arms don't grow, but people can see from a distance; Shouting with the wind didn't get louder, but the listener heard it clearly. With the help of chariots and horses, people can walk fast, but they can reach thousands of miles away; People who use boats can't swim, but they can swim across the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. A gentleman is no different from ordinary people in essence, but he is good at learning with the help of foreign things. The soil accumulates into mountains, and the wind and rain start from there; The water becomes a deep pool where dragons will grow; Only by accumulating good deeds and cultivating good moral character can we reach a higher spiritual realm, develop wisdom and have the thoughts of saints. Therefore, if you don't take small steps, you won't take Wan Li Road; Without a trickle, there is no way to become a river and a sea. A good horse cannot jump ten steps at a time; A bad horse can pull a cart for ten days and go a long way. Its success lies in its constant walking. Carve it and let it go. Don't carve, nor can you carve rotten wood. If you don't stop carving, stones can also be carved. Earthworms don't have sharp claws and strong bones and muscles, but they can eat the soil and drink the groundwater on the ground. This is because they are single-minded crabs with six feet and two crab claws, but there are no holes for snakes and eels, and there is no place to live on their bodies. This is because they are impetuous and unfaithful.