The correct posture for playing table tennis is as follows:
1. The fingers of the hand should be spread and flat, the joints should be slowly arched upward, and the thumb should be tilted as close as possible to the index finger to fix the cue stick. The position is not easy to slide.
2. When holding the club, the left hand should be about one and a half palms away from the club head, and the right hand should be the same distance away from the pole position.
3. With your right hand, you only need to hold the club between your thumb and index finger, and the other three fingers can be used to hold it lightly. Then use your wrist to punch it out.
4. Take a slight step forward to the left with your left foot, the width of which is the same as your shoulder. Turn your right foot outward naturally by 5 degrees.
5. Press your waist down, and the lower you are from the table, the better, so that the ball will be more standard.
6. Raise your head and make it perpendicular to the club. Keep an eye on the ball and club. When you feel that the club is in line with the ball and the hole you want to hit, just hit it in that direction.