A girl born on July 9, 2065438 at 12: 58, Jin Mu is short of water, fire and soil.

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

20 15 September 1 June 12: 58

Birthday (lunar calendar) July 19 at noon, b.

Eight-character b not a Shen Chengeng Renwu

The five elements belong to wood, earth, wood, gold, earth, fire and water.

Reclaimed water, Na Yin Sha Jin Quan Fraxinus mandshurica

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "earth", so it is best to use the word "earth" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

God analysis: [similarity score]: gold 1.94, soil 1.00, * * * 2.94; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 1.30, wood 2.65, water 1.80, * * * 5.75; [Poor]:-2.81; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -2.8 1, "eight characters are weak"; The eight characters are weak, and the eight characters like "earth", which is the "western god" of this life.