What are the clinical symptoms of supracondylar fracture of humerus in children?

Straightening type: the most common type, the fracture displacement inclines from front to bottom to back to top (from front to back), the elbow joint protrudes backward in a semi-flexion position, and the relationship between the posterior triangle of the elbow joint is normal (abnormal dislocation of the elbow joint). Flexion type: fracture displacement inclines from lower back to upper front (lower back and upper front). The difference between straight and flexion: straight: palm landing (the most common) flexion: arm landing. Complications. Vascular injury: Brachial artery is the most vulnerable, which can lead to forearm osteofascial compartment syndrome. If not treated in time, ischemic muscle contracture may occur. Nerve damage. Memory song: Sooner or later, the Central Plains will be submerged (that is, the ape's feet, claws and wrists). Median nerve injury: hand ulnar nerve injury in apes (three fingers and a half sensory disturbance). Claw-shaped hand radial nerve injury: hanging wrist (the metacarpophalangeal joints of each finger can't be straightened, the thumb can't be extended backwards, and the skin on the radial side of the back of the hand has sensory numbness areas of different sizes).