What zodiac sign is 25 years old this year?
/kloc-People born before February 0/6 are tigers, and people born after February 0/6 (including that day) are rabbits. One year old refers to the number of anniversaries or birthdays from birth to counting. This year is 2024, and I was born at the age of 25 in 2024 -25= 1999. China's zodiac year corresponds to the earthly branch in the chronology of the main branches. According to the perpetual calendar, 1999 Lunar New Year, that is, the Spring Festival, falls on February 16, so before February 16, it belongs to the Year of the Tiger in Wuyin, and people born are tigers. /kloc-February of 0/6 (including that day) belongs to the year of the rabbit, and the person born is a rabbit.