1, persistent pain
Persistent gum pain, which can be clearly located, the teeth have a floating feeling, and the pain of knocking teeth or occlusion is obvious. It shows that inflammation has invaded the root tip. Treatment is troublesome, and the principle of first aid is "decompression and drainage"-opening a hole in the middle of the tooth to let inflammatory secretions flow out and reduce the pressure in the pulp cavity. After X-ray examination, root canal therapy or plasticization therapy was selected according to the condition.
2, "all teeth" pain
Root teeth (wisdom teeth, third molars) continue to be painful, and the pain of touching gums is aggravated. If the mouth can't be opened seriously, inflammation often occurs, and the root should be removed after anti-inflammation.
3, hot and cold, sweet and bitter
When the teeth are hot, cold, sweet, sour and painful, the stimulation is removed and the pain disappears. Pigment deposits on teeth, usually dental caries. There is no pigment deposition on the gingival marginal tooth surface, which is a deep wedge-shaped defect. Both kinds of dental diseases are mild and can be improved by restorative treatment. However, if dentin sensitivity is caused by gingival atrophy, the treatment process is more complicated.
4, gum pain
The persistent pain of teeth, accompanied by redness, looseness and food impaction, is the manifestation of periodontitis.
5, spontaneous labor pains
Spontaneous gum pain, unable to locate, aggravated during sleep; Hot and cold stimulation can induce pain, and the pain will last for a while after the stimulation is relieved, and the pain will radiate to the ears and temples. It shows that there is inflammation in the pulp and the "rotten nerve" should be treated. After removing the "rotten nerve" of teeth, root canal treatment should be carried out.
Some people will have symptoms of toothache caused by biting hard objects. In fact, most of this situation is caused by cracks in teeth, so crown treatment can be considered. In order to avoid toothache, people with a history of toothache should protect their teeth, brush their teeth every day and try not to eat some food that is too hard or too sour.