What's the name of Liang Qi at eight o'clock on June 12th, 215?

birthdates analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

July 27th, 215 at 2:

Birthday (lunar calendar) at June 12th, 215

Eight-character B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word B-word A-word A-word A-word A The analysis is as follows:

Analysis by god: [Similar score]: wood 3.85, water 1.2, * * * 5.5; [Heterogeneous score]: fire .88, gold .33, soil 2.32, * * * 3.53 points; [Poor]: 1.52 points; [Comprehensive prosperity and decline score]: 1.52 points, "the eight characters are strong"; 〈 Eight characters like to use God 〉: Eight characters are strong, and eight characters like "gold", and "gold" is the "XiShen" of this life.