Male life: there are wealthy stars, with seven kills as their sons and officials as women. If you don't have a fortune star, you will take the god of food as your son and hurt the official. If you don't kill an official, you will be a time column.
When dry and day dry are both yin and yang, when dry is a child, it is a woman.
When the sun is dry, the yin and yang are different, then the sun is dry as the mother branch.
Women's life: take the god of food as a woman, hurt an official as a son, be partial to wealth as a woman without food, and be positive to wealth as a son. If there is no food injury and no good luck, the fate will be discussed by the time column.
When the sun is dry, it is the same yin and yang as when the sun is dry. When it is dry, it is a woman and when it is dry, it is a child.
When the sun is dry, it is different from when the yin and yang are dry, and when the branches are mothers, it is different.
In addition, it is said that men are ordered to take seven kills as sons, officials take sons for women, officials take sons, and seven kills are women.
The woman ordered the injured official to be a grandson, the food injury to be a woman, the yin and yang to take the god of food as a son, and the injured official to be a woman.
Second, look at the number of children's Zhouyi.
Method 1: First determine the daughter actress, and then check the number of daughter actresses in the four pillars, including Yin Na, what is hidden in the ground, and the five elements, arches and coincidences of daughter actresses.
Rizhu Yinna Chengqi, maybe twins.
The actress was seriously injured, or died, or had a miscarriage.
Method 2: determine the daughter heroine (whether the daughter heroine appears in the four pillars) and then look at the zodiac status of the daughter heroine to determine the number of children. However, if the punishment is broken, it will change.
In the middle half of the four sons of longevity, they were bathed in a pair of good luck.
He was crowned the third son of the pro-official, while the fifth son of the emperor, Wang, went by himself.
The second son fell ill in decline, and the old man died childless.
There must be someone else's son in the tomb, who died when he entered the tomb.
Anger is an only child, and the first child in the womb is a girl. Qimen
There is only one middle school third son, so be careful in the men's and women's palace.
Third, look at the sex of the first child.
Method 1: Men are born to do it every day, and women are born to do it every day. In this case, a boy will be born.
Men's lives are dry, women's lives are dry, women's lives are dry, both of them are dry. Eight characters
Compared with robbing females of the same kind, the above is not satisfied, and the first child miscarries.
If the column is two yang, a woman will be born, and if the column is two women, a man will be born. This is a condition, this person is unmarked.
It's hard to tell a man from a woman.
Method 2: In the order of year, month and day, the first actress is the first-born sex.
Men kill officials and women eat food, and the same column shall prevail.
Method 3: Wang Hua Guo Qiang will always be like an elephant, and the male life officer will kill the male repeatedly.
You can refer to food injury, the prosperous one comes first, and the weak one hides.
The number of food injuries among women has risen and fallen, please refer to the details. (full name)
Fourth, look at the advantages and disadvantages of children's virtue and stupidity.
Method 1: First, look at the actress's strength and surrounding environment, then take the actress as the extreme point, and set up a financial official seal to observe her studies, career and marriage.
Finally, I quote the time branch to look at the country and its virtues and stupid advantages.
Method 2: Analysis of the main branches of the original bureau:
Filial piety: 1, the stem and branch of the column were born in.
At 2 o'clock, the column sounds, and the column sounds.
At 3 o'clock, Yin Na gave birth to an annual trunk and branches. Heluo
Eating injury is filial piety to children.
Clever: 1, the column is rich, and the official seal has no influence.
At 2 o'clock, I don't sit in the tomb because of food injury, which is a prosperous place forever.
At 3 o'clock, peach blossoms are beautiful and romantic for children.
Wealth: 1 The official is in Wangdi, or when he lives forever, or when he walks the fortune star.
The temporary column of the official seal is very expensive to use.
Three or seven kills are made at the right time, and when they are made in Japan, they are used by the nobles. Xuan Kong
Unfilial: 1, the column and the column hit the ground, dry when dry, and the sound is similar.
Second, sitting on a sheep's blade is taboo, and it is taboo for peach blossoms. It hurts and breaks, and the child is defeated.
Three actresses executed the land where the tomb was destroyed. They were poor and unfilial.
Killing, injuring, and owl at four o'clock, punishing the damage, and being fierce.
Disaster: 1, the injured official sits in the grave, the children are imprisoned, and they are riddled with injuries.
Time branch and other branches constitute three punishments, including prison, injury and illness. I Ching
At three o'clock, the injured official entered the tomb during the Universiade, and his children were imprisoned, injured and sick.
Female life: 1 daughter actress palace in the same place, every sentence is rushed, which is unfavorable to the child's life, abortion.
When the column does not show the actress, she is worn out by punishment, and she is sick or infertile.
When the heroine enters the tomb, every time it is difficult to support her children, the children can be exempted from going through the house.
Four pillars of life: children in management department.
Fifth, see when to have children.
1 The official killed too much, so the baby should be born at the age of food injury.
2 the official kills the weak, and the wealthy star wants to have children and help the official kill.
3 the official killing is weak, and it should be born when there is an official killing on Linwang Road.
4 the official is weak, and the food injury is weak. The children were born in the year of India.
If food is too harmful, Indian owls should be restrained from having children at the age of five.
6 Food injury is weak, so Wang Yinxing should be born in the year of robbery or fortune.
Childless actresses can only be born when the Universiade is in an emergency.
8. The god of food has the idea of pregnancy and wants to be close to men.