2010165438+10 month 15 date of birth at noon 12: 46.

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

2010165438+1October 15 12: 46

Gengyin's birthday is at 10: 00 on October (lunar calendar).

The eight-character Geng Yin Ding Hai has been Geng Wu.

Five elements of golden wood fire, water, earth, fire, golden fire

The soil on Yin Nasong's cypress house stands by the roadside of Dalinmu.

Summary: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "earth". It is best to use the word "earth" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

Theological analysis: [similarity score]: soil 1.00, fire 3. 18, * * 4.18; [Heterogeneous fraction]: gold 2.30, wood 1.20, water 0.80, * * * 4.30; [Poor]: -0. 12 points; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -0. 12, "basic balance of eight characters"; The eight characters like to use gods: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "earth", which is the "western god" of this life.