Comparison of when to get married

Gender: Female

Born: 22:59 on March 20, 1983 (Gregorian calendar)

Lunar calendar: the sixth day of February, 1983 Day and Hai hour

The solar term of the month: Jingzhe (March 6, 11:43); Middle Qi: Vernal Equinox (March 21, 12:36)

Birthday horoscope: Yimao month, Guihai year Ding Wei Day Xin Hai Hour

1. Your horoscope

The following is your horoscope. You are a Red Sheep and were born in the Year of the Black Pig. The day and day stems represent you, so you are a fire sign.

2. Your five-element score and joy

The following is the calculation of the five-element score in your natal chart

The five-element score of your horoscope:

Wood 33.6; Fire 15.6; (Same score: 49.2)

Earth 5; Metal 10; Water 24; (Odd score: 39)

Difference: 10.2 Comprehensive prosperity and decline score: 10.2 The eight-character horoscope is very good

The horoscope of the horoscope is happy and uses the god: The horoscope of the horoscope is very good, and the horoscope of the horoscope is fond of earth. Earth is the "god of joy" in this life.

Bazi fortune telling is to find the balance of yin and yang among the five elements. When the scores of similar and different types are basically the same, the yin and yang of the five elements are more balanced, and life will be smoother. When the difference between the scores of the same type and the different type is too large, the life horoscope will be too strong or too weak, and the life will fluctuate greatly. The choice of the God of Joy is generally chosen from the category with the lowest score. The five elements with the lowest median value in this category are your "God of Joy" or "Useful God". When the "God of Joy" comes from the fleeting year or great luck, the five elements of the natal chart will be more balanced. Balanced five elements are less likely to fight. In other words, the unpleasant things will be minimized and the year will be luckier. BaZi analyzes the ups and downs of a person's life based on this balance theory. Here, we choose earth as the "god of joy" in this life.

Gender: Male

Born: 8:00 on May 18, 1980 (Gregorian calendar)

Lunar calendar: April 5, 1980

The solar term of the month: Beginning of Summer (16:43 on May 5); Middle Qi: Xiaoman (5:41 on May 21)

Birthday horoscope: Xinsi month in the Gengshen year Mao day and Renchen hour

1. Your horoscope

The following is your horoscope. You are the White Rabbit, born in the Year of the White Monkey. The day and day stems represent you, so you are a metal person.

2. Your five-element score and joy

The following is the calculation of the five-element score in your natal chart

The five-element score of your horoscope:

Earth 6; Metal 42.22; (Same score: 48.22)

Wood 13; Fire 8.4; Water 15.78; (Odd score: 37.18)

Difference: 11.04 Comprehensive prosperity and decline score: 11.04 The Bazi is very good

The Bazi is happy with God: The Bazi is very good, and the Bazi is fond of fire. Fire is the "god of joy" in this life.

Bazi fortune telling is to find the balance of yin and yang among the five elements. When the scores of similar and different types are basically the same, the yin and yang of the five elements are more balanced, and life will be smoother. When the difference between the scores of the same type and the different type is too large, the life horoscope will be too strong or too weak, and the life will fluctuate greatly. The choice of the God of Joy is generally chosen from the category with the lowest score. The five elements with the lowest median value in this category are your "God of Joy" or "Useful God". When the "God of Joy" comes from the fleeting year or great luck, the five elements of the natal chart will be more balanced. Balanced five elements are less likely to fight. In other words, the unpleasant things will be minimized and the year will be luckier. BaZi analyzes the ups and downs of a person's life based on this balance theory. Here, we choose fire as the "god of joy" in this life.

Conclusion: Congratulations on finding a good husband. His enthusiasm has resolved your reserve, his thoughtfulness has healed your emotionality, and his steadfastness has made you no longer suspicious.

You are a perfect match.

Lovers finally get married!