What is the birth date of a child born at 16:53 on March 22, 2015 in the lunar calendar?

Birthday fortune telling

Gregorian calendar birth time: 16:00-16:59 on May 10, 2015

Lunar calendar birth time: March of Yiwei year Shenshi on the 22nd

Eight characters: Yiweixinsibingxubingshen

Five elements: wood, earth, metal, fire, fire, earth, fire, gold

Nayin: gold and white in the sand There is earth above the gold house and fire below the mountain.

My zodiac sign is Sheep, and my zodiac sign is gold in the sand. The five elements of fire are strong and water is lacking. The sun dominates the heavenly stem and is fire, born in spring.

Same kind of fire and wood, different kinds of water, metal and earth

Tips: This result is automatically analyzed by the system and is for reference only. What is missing in the horoscope has nothing to do with what is supplemented. The details should be determined by professional teachers. analyze!

Birthday horoscope and five elements fortune telling

Number of horoscope and five elements: 2 gold, 1 wood, 0 water, 3 fire, 2 earth

Four Seasons God reference: Sun Lord Heavenly Stem Fire is born in spring. At this time, it must be Bing Fire or Ding Fire. Most of them are good, but avoid too much wood and too much earth.