Chinese phonetic alphabet order

Rhyme table:

Monovowel a[ A] o[ Oh] e[ Goose] i[ clothes ]u[Wu]u[ twists]

The vowels ai [ai] ei ui [Wei] ao [ao] ou [ou] iu [by] ie [ye] ü e [about] er [er]

The vowel an[ an] en[ en] in [cause] un[ temperature] ün[ halo]

After the nasal vowel ang[ ang] eng[ press] ing[ English] ong[ Yong]

Full syllable: zhi[zhi]chi[ eat] shi [make] yi [dress] wu [wu] yu [fish] yin [cause] yun [dizzy ]ye[ night] yue [month] yuan [circle].

Initial list:

B [Bo] P [Slope] M [Touch] F [Buddha]

Drink, drink

J[ base ]q[ bully ]x[ hope]

Z[ capital] c [; Female, female, female, female, female, female.

Witch [medicine]

In an engineering project of the United Nations

The day after Zhichi, Ye Yueying, Wu Yuyin, Yuan Yi