Birthday horoscope analysis result of Xiyongshen
Birthday (Gregorian calendar): September 23, 1985 at 7 o'clock
Birthday (lunar calendar): Eighth year of Yichou On the ninth day of the lunar month
Eight characters: Yi Chou, Yi You, Yi Chou, Geng Chen
Five Elements: Wood, Earth, Wood, Metal, Wood, Earth, Metal, Earth
Nayin: Gold in the sea, water in the spring, water in the sea Gold White Lax Gold
Analysis results: Five elements statistics: 3 wood, 0 fire, 3 earth, 2 gold, 0 water. The five elements lack fire and water; the sun's celestial stem is wood; the same type is: wood and water; the different type is: metal, earth, and fire.
〖Same Score〗: Wood 3.3, Water 0.96, *** 4.26 points; 〖Heterogeneous Score〗: Gold 2.9, Earth 1.5, Fire 0, *** 4.4 points; [Difference] : -0.14 points; [Comprehensive prosperity and decline score]: -0.14 points, "the eight characters are basically balanced"; "the eight characters are happy and useful": the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "water", and "water" is the "loving god" of this eight character ”, it is recommended to use Chinese characters with the five-element attribute of water when naming.