Grass grass 2
Pebble 4
Oak 5
Spruce wood: 15: 1
Birch: 25:2
Jungle forest: 35:3
Oak seedling 6
Spruce saplings: 16: 1
Birch seedlings: 26:2
Jungle saplings: 36:3
Sand 12
Shashuo gravel 13
Gold ore 14
Iron ore _ORE 15
Coal mine _ORE 16
Oak logs 17
Spruce log: 1 17: 1
Birch log: 2 17:2
Jungle log: 3 17:3
Oak leaf 18
Spruce leaves: 1 18: 1
White birch leaves: 2 18: 2
Shrub leaves: 3 18:3
Glass glass 20
Lapis ore 2 1 lapis lazuli ore
Lapis lapis lapis block 22
Emitter distributor 23
Sandstone 24
Sand for sand cutting: 124: 1
Smooth sandstone: 224:2
Comment box NOTE_BLOCK25
Power supply by power supply rail _RAIL27
Detecting track detector _RAIL28
Viscous piston PISTON_STICKY_BASE29
Shrub Changcao 3 1
Dead shrub DEAD_BUSH32
Piston _ base 33
White wool 35
Orange wool: 135: 1
Red wool wool: 235:2
Blue wool: 335:3
Yellow wool wool: 435:4
Grey wool: 535:5
Pink wool: 635:6
Grey wool: 735:7
Light gray wool: 835:8
Blue wool: 935:9
Purple wool: 1035: 10
Blue wool:1135:11
Brown wool: 1235: 12
Dark green wool: 1335: 13
Red wool: 1435: 14
Wool black wool: 1535: 15
Dandelion Yellow _ Flower 37
Rose red _ROSE38
Brown Mushroom Brown _ Mushroom 39
Red Mushroom Red Mushroom 40
Gold nugget _ block4 1
Iron block IRON_BLOCK42
Stone steps 44
Sand steps: 144: 1
Wooden step stride: 244:2
Pebble steps: 344:3
Brick steps: 444:4
Shi Zhuan BBK: 544:5
Red brick brick 45
Bookshelf 47
Moss stone Moss stone _ cobblestone 48
Torch torch 50
Oak stairs wooden stairs 53
Box chest 54 54
Diamond ore diamond ore 56
Diamond block DIAMOND_BLOCK57
Table 58
6 1
Ladder 65
Railway 66
Stone stairs cobblestones _ stairs 67
Lever 69
Stone pressure plate STONE_PLATE70
Wood pressing plate wood _ board 72
Redstone _ Ore of Redstone Ore 73
Redstone Torch _ Torch _ on76
Stone Button Stone _ Button 77
Ice ICE79
Cactus CACTUS8 1
Clay clay 82
Fence FENCE85
Pumpkin 86
The stone of Hellfire is hidden in the void
Soul sand soul _SAND88
Fluorite GLOWSTONE89
Jack lamp 9 1
Trapdoor TRAP_DOOR96
Shi Zhuan Smooth Brick 98
Shi Zhuan smooth brick: 198: 1.
Cracking Shi Zhuan Smooth _ Brick: 298:2
Shi Zhuan smooth brick: 398:3: 3.
Mushroom hug _ mushroom _ 199
Mushroom hug _ Mushroom _ 2 100
Iron fence IRON_FENCE 10 1
Thin glass plate _GLASS 102
Watermelon and Melon _BLOCK 103
VINE 106
Fence gate FENCE_GATE 107
Brick staircase Brick _ staircase 108
Smooth stone steps _ stairs 109
Myceli 1 10
Water lily water lily 1 1 1
Hell brick _BRICK 1 12
Brick wall of the nether world _FENCE 1 13
Hellscream 1 14
Enchantment _ table 1 16
Dragon egg _ egg 122
Redstone lamp _ lamp _ off 123
Oak step wood _STEP 126
Spruce step wood _ step: 1 126: 1.
Birch stepping wood _ stepping: 2 126:2
Jungle step wood _STEP:3 126:3
Sandstone staircase _ staircase 128
Emerald Ore Emerald _ORE 129
Ender _ Chester130, the last shadow box
Mixed-line hook _HOOK 13 1
Jade Ore _ Block 133
Spruce spruce _ wood _ stairs 134
Birch _ Wood _ Stairs 135
Jungle wooden stairs Jungle wooden stairs 136
Article name article English ID article digital ID
Shovel iron _SPADE256
Pickaxe _ pickaxe 257
Iron axe iron _AXE258
Flint steel 259
BOW26 1
Iron sword iron _ sword 267
Wood blade wood blade 268
Wood shovel WOOD_SPADE269
Wood axe WOOD_AXE27 1
Stone Sword Stone _ Sword 272
Shovel stone _SPADE273
Stone pick stone _ pick 274
Axe stone _AXE275
Jin Jian Jin Jian 283
Golden shovel gold _SPADE284
Golden pickaxe Gold _ Golden pickaxe E285
Golden axe golden _AXE286
Wood hoe _ hoe 290
Stone hoe _ hoe 29 1
Iron hoe _ hoe 292
Diamond hoe diamond _ hoe 293
Golden hoe _ hoe 294
Diamond sword diamond _ sword 276
Diamond shovel diamond _ shovel 277
Diamond pickaxe diamond _ pickaxe E278
Diamond axe DIAMOND_AXE279
Barrel 325
Bucket Water _ Bucket 326
Lava bucket 327
Fishing rod fishing _ROD346
Clock 347
Empty map MAP358
Shear 359
Flame bomb fireball 385
Cereals and seeds
Article name article English ID article digital ID
Apple Apple 260
BOWL28 1
Stewed mushroom soup 282
Wheat seed seed 295
Wheat WHEAT296
Bread 297
Pork chop 3 19
Grilled _ pork chop 320 ribs _ pork 320
Golden apple GOLDEN_APPLE322
Milk _ bucket 335
Raw fish RAW_FISH349
Cooked Fish _ Fish 350
Cookie recipe 357
Watermelon and Melon 360
Pumpkin seed _ seed 36 1
Watermelon seed melon seed 362
Raw beef RAW_BEEF363
Cooked steak _ beef 364
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken 365
Cooked chicken Cooked chicken _ 366
Article name article English ID article digital ID
Leather hat leather _ helmet 298
Leather clothing leather _ chest plate 299
Leather pants and leather clothes _ trouser legs 300
Boots boots _ 30 1
Iron helmet IRON_HELMET306
Armor _ chest plate 307
Iron leggings iron _ leggings 308
Iron boots IRON_BOOTS309
Diamond helmet DIAMOND_HELMET3 10
Diamond Badge Diamond Badge 3 1 1
Diamond leggings Diamond leggings 3 12
Diamond boots DIAMOND_BOOTS3 13
Gold helmet GOLD_HELMET3 14
Gold armor and gold chest plate 3 15
Golden leggings gold _LEGGINGS3 16
Gold boots GOLD_BOOTS3 17
Article name article English ID article digital ID
Saddle 329
Ship 330
Transport vehicle storage _MINECART342
Power mine car POWERED _ MINECART343
Ore and ingot
Article name article English ID article digital ID
Coal coal 263
Charcoal: 1263: 1
Diamond 264
Iron ingot _INGOT265
Gold ingot gold _INGOT266
Lapis lazuli ink _ sack: 435 1:4