Laura, Laura, Latin, laurel; victory.
Laurel, Laurel Latin, laurel; victory.
Lauren, Lauren, Latin, laurel.
Lee, Lee, UK, resident of the meadow; shelter.
Leila, Leila, an Arabian black-haired beauty; born at night.
Lena, Lena, Latin, boarding; residence.
Leona, Leona, Latin, lion.
Lesley, Lesley, Gail, comes from the old fortress; Holly Park.
Letitia, Latin, Spanish, happy; joyful.
Lilith, Lilith Hebrew belongs to the evening.
Lillian, Greece, a lily, represents purity; God's oath.
Linda, Linda, Spanish beautiful person.
Lindsay Lindsay, Teutonic, comes from the linden tree by the sea.
Lisa, Lisa, Hebrew devotion to God.
Liz, Liz, Hebrew God is the oath.
Lorraine, Lorraine, France, a person from the small town of Lorraine, France.
Louise, Louise, Teutonic, famous warrior.
Lucy, Lucy, Latin, brings light and wisdom.
Lydia, Lydia Britain, people from Lydia, wealth.
Lynn, Lynn, UK, a person who lives by the lake.