Although their three names are Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Ruan Xiaoqi, they are only three brothers, not seven. As for why their names are 2, 5, and 7 respectively, it has something to do with one of their competitions. In that competition, one person caught a fish weighing two kilograms, one person caught a fish weighing five kilograms, and one person caught a fish weighing five kilograms. Seven pounds of fish, so their father named them according to the weight of the fish they caught.
The three Ruan brothers, like many heroes in Liangshan, have relatively ordinary and even humble backgrounds. Their father is just an ordinary fisherman who only married when he was forty years old. I got a daughter-in-law, but fortunately, I gave birth to three brothers a year after getting married. Their father originally thought that he would live a happy life after having children, but the good times did not last long. Their mother contracted a serious disease and left them soon because she had no money for treatment.
From then on, Old Man Ruan had to work very hard not only as a father, but also as a mother. He had to take the three of them with him when fishing every day. However, despite the hard work, the old man was still very happy, because the three of them The brothers grew up day by day and became adults, and they both had excellent water skills. A few days later, Old Man Ruan also suddenly contracted a serious illness and was about to die soon. However, he also thought that his children had no ranking (because they were three brothers born from the same twin) and no names, so he told him that he was right. The sons said that there was a fish that could save their lives.
After hearing this, the three Ruan brothers immediately ran out to look for fish that could save their father's life. Although it was also a severe cold season, they still dived into the water to find fish without any hesitation. In the end, the three of them found a fish after going through all kinds of hardships, and then hurried back home, but unfortunately their father had no way to save him. Finally, their father asked each of the three of them to weigh the weight of the fish in their hands, and then named them according to the weight of the fish they caught.