How to pronounce the Hong Kong surname cheung?

"Cheung" is pronounced "Chie-ong".

The population with the surname Zhang ranks third among Chinese surnames, with a population of 87.502 million, accounting for 6.83% of the total population of China.

The surname Chen is the most common surname in Hong Kong. There are 10.11 Hong Kong people with the surname Chen. There are 70 million people with the surname Chen throughout China, making it the fifth largest surname in China.

Related information:

Hong Kong surnames have long lacked specific data, and a list of the top 100 Hong Kong surnames has been compiled. The most populous surname in Hong Kong is "Chen", and 10.11 Hong Kong people have the surname Chen. The six surnames of Chen, Huang, Li, Leung, Zhang and Lam account for 36.75% of the total population of Hong Kong.