How to raise the new Tik Tok, so as to raise the new Tik Tok?

1, first of all, mention the numbering rules. Don't put any videos or brush powder yet. There is a simple reason. I bought the wrong

How to raise the new Tik Tok, so as to raise the new Tik Tok?

1, first of all, mention the numbering rules. Don't put any videos or brush powder yet. There is a simple reason. I bought the wrong fan label. Just like Taobao SD, it is useless for fans to come in more.

2. Secondly, it must be 1 machine 1 card 1. Never open it more, which is very similar to the micro signal, and then let Tik Tok judge that it is a real user. Although you don't have to send videos every day, you should be active with a numbered account, such as commenting on others, praising others, paying attention to others, and letting Tik Tok judge that it is not a marketing number.

There is an important link in the process of numbering, that is, the content to be released next is as similar as possible to what you are usually watching. This action is labeling. Let Tik Tok know what kind of label the account is, such as car label. After the account sends a video, the system will also know that it is a car account, and the video will be recommended to the car video pool first.

4, through this action, you can better mark, you can brush some similar videos to be sent, and comment on other bloggers and interact with other kols, and the system will know that you are a kind of person.

5. Finally, Tik Tok's good use of BGM in Tik Tok will bring more exhibitions and labels.