What's the name of the picture of the boatman rowing desperately in the river?

The picture of the boatman struggling to paddle in the river is named as follows:

These names all try to describe the boatmen's hard boating in the river and their hard work through vivid words and expressions. For example, "Torrent" emphasizes the courage and determination of boatmen to forge ahead in the torrent; "Struggle in the Water" expresses the scene of boatmen working hard in the water; "Khan casting" emphasizes the achievements made by boatmen through hard work; The Power of the Helmsman highlights the important role of boatmen on board. Dancer on the Waves vividly depicts the scene of boatmen's flexible response in the waves. Jiang Xin Conquest expresses the boatman's will to overcome difficulties and conquer Jiang Xin. "paddling track" vividly describes the traces left by boatmen when paddling; "Hard work and perseverance" emphasizes the spirit of boatmen who are not afraid of hard work and are determined to move forward; "Sail against the current and forge ahead" expresses the determination of boatmen to sail against the current and forge ahead; "Braving the wind and waves, persevering and forging ahead" vividly depicts the scene of boatmen marching forward firmly in the storm.