What is the color difference between CMYK mode and CMYmode?

CMY is a pigment mixing color matching system.

RGB is a light mixed color matching system.

C cyan r red red

M- magenta magenta G- green green

Yellow yellow blue blue

The former color matching system is used in industrial printing (because it is printed with pigments), but it is very difficult to use CMY color matching, and it often produces a gray-black color, so there is only black in practical application, that is, K-black, so the actual printing in industry uses CMYK system.

Added: Didn't I say that? C is opposite to r, m is opposite to g, and y is opposite to B.

I added: I didn't say that if you want to print black, if you use three kinds of pigments, the color will be gray-black, so this method is not practical. So CMYK is commonly used in industry, where k is black. In other words, CMYK has only one more color than CMY: black. This kind of black is pure black, not gray black. Then this CMYK system is very practical. If you want to print black, just use K. If you want other colors, use CMY to match them.