How to name the brand of outdoor hiking shoes

outdoor hiking shoes are a kind of shoes designed by enterprises for outdoor athletes with the increasing popularity of outdoor activities today. Due to the particularity of the activity, the quality and quality requirements of outdoor hiking shoes are relatively high, so how to name the brand of outdoor hiking shoes?

1. The brand name can reflect the product attributes

The brand name should fully reflect the benefits that the attributes of outdoor hiking shoes can bring to consumers, so that consumers can have a demand for product cognition through visual stimulation. This is the foundation of corporate image.

2. unconventional

brand name should help to create and maintain the image of the brand in the eyes of consumers. Brand names should be fresh and elegant, unconventional, fully display the high taste of goods, thus shaping the corporate image of high-grade times.

3. In line with the public psychology

The brand name of outdoor hiking shoes can stimulate consumers' purchasing motivation and make the establishment of corporate image have a foothold. This is the most important issue for brands.

4. Being unique

helps to distinguish the product from similar products. When choosing names, you should avoid using names that have been used on similar goods or have the same sound and meaning. If we don't pay attention to this point, it will inevitably make consumers have a vague understanding of the brand and the enterprise, and it is impossible to create a distinctive corporate image.

5. Pay attention to ethnic customs

Brand names should pay attention to the differences of ethnic customs, so as to establish the corporate image more effectively and pertinently. Different regions at home and abroad have different preferences and taboos, so the naming of brands should be more cautious.