Legal basis: Measures for the Administration of Urban Housing Ownership Registration
Eleventh housing ownership registration by the right holder (applicant). If the obligee (applicant) is a legal person or other organization, it shall use its legal name and its legal representative shall file an application; If the obligee (applicant) is a natural person, the name on his identity document shall be used. * * * Some houses have been applied for by * * * someone. The registration of other rights of the house shall be applied by both the obligee and the obligee. Public houses directly managed by the real estate administrative department shall be directly registered by the registration authority.
Twentieth housing ownership registration should be registered according to the ownership unit with the house number, building number, suite (room) and the part with specific ownership boundaries as the basic unit.
Twenty-first in any of the following circumstances, the registration agency shall directly register on its behalf according to law: (1) houses managed by the real estate administrative department according to law; (2) Houses where no one claims rights; (3) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations. The registered houses shall not be issued with house ownership certificates.