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007 James Bond Complete File
Name: James Bond Translation: James Bond/James Bond/James Bond
Number: 007 Height: 183 cm Weight: 76 kg Eyes: Blue Hair: Black
Physical characteristics : There are scars on the right cheek, left shoulder and back of the right hand, and the skin is darker
Specialties: Good at shooting, throwing knives, skiing, and fighting
Language: Can speak French and German fluently, and He is also talented in other languages
He is charming, witty and brave, and he kills people ruthlessly... He is 007, James Bond. After the first 007 movie was released on October 5, 1962, the 007 movie series became popular all over the world and has been flourishing for 40 years today.
Since writing the first "007" novel in 1952, President Ian Fleming has published 15 "007" novels. When he named his protagonist, he thought he needed a simple, unromantic and masculine name. As a result he named the agent James Bond. From then on, in every episode of the 007 movie, this classic line will definitely appear: "My name is Bond, James Bond!" Fleming introduced 007, a British spy full of charm and adventurous spirit, to the world. However, it was the first 007 film "The Mysterious Island" that brought 007 to the screen. From the first "Iron King Breaks the Mysterious Island" to the upcoming "Who Will I Confront", there are more than 20 007 movies in the series.
Not all 007 movies were written by Ian. Only the first 13 episodes are from the original novel. After that, the film company purchased the movie rights of "007" and then created another story to shoot. In the movie, people have seen both the womanizing side of James Bond and his resourceful and brave side when hunting down international criminals. At the same time, the weird weapons used by 007 also opened people's eyes.
Just like the music of "Goldfinger", one of the 007 series, the mysterious music, as well as the varied scenes and beautiful actresses in the 007 film create the uniqueness of the 007 film. success. Even some common 007 language has become popular daily language, such as 007's self-introduction: "My name is Bond, James Bond." He likes to drink martinis, and he always says: "Shake well, don't stir."
According to informal statistics, the total number of viewers who have watched 007 movies is at least 2 billion, which is every third person on the planet. There is only one person who has ever watched a 007 movie! The current "Bond" Pierce Brosnan summed up the reasons for the enduring popularity of "007" movies: "It's the beautiful Bond girls, the novelty props, the sex, It is romance, fantasy, and the ultimate hero that gives this movie its long-lasting vitality. British cultural critic Conrad explained the phenomenon of people worshiping 007 as follows: "If you yearn to be an important figure, you can imagine yourself as 007." ”
The first one was a huge success
Since writing the first 007 novel in 1952, the original author Ian Fleming has published 15 007 books. When he named his protagonist, he thought he needed a simple, unromantic and masculine name. As a result, he named the agent James Bond. The British spy 007, who is full of charm and adventurous spirit, was introduced to the world. However, not all the story structures of 007 films were written by Ian Fleming. It is said that only the first 13 episodes were from the original novels, and the subsequent ones were all produced by film companies. Buy the movie rights of "007" and then create a new story to shoot.
"Intelligence No. 7" was a huge success in the United States and the United Kingdom, and it laid the overall foundation for the subsequent 007 series of movies. The tone, for example, was exotic, unimaginable storylines, but above all the beautiful and charming Bond girls. 007 became synonymous with glamor, adventure, ingenious escapes and a magician with all kinds of weapons.
007's spy games are filled with flying cars, watches with TVs, and seaplanes and other advanced gadgets.
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James Bond, Agent 007 OHMSSJames Bond, Agent 007 of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Licensed to Kill.
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