The boy named Daquan was born at 4: 1 pm on December 31, 214.

Birthday (Gregorian calendar):

December 31st, 214


Birthday (lunar calendar). :

in the year of Jiawu



application time

eight characters:





five lines:

wood fire

fire water

fire water <

gold in the sand

river water

river water

mountain fire

Five-element statistics: 1 wood, 4 fire, soil, 1 gold, 2 water. The five elements lack soil; The sun is dry for fire; The same kind is: fire wood; Heterogeneous: water, gold and soil.

[similar score]: fire 4, wood 1.2, * * * 5.2 points; [Heterogeneous score]: water 2.76, gold .7, soil , * * * 3.46; [Difference]: 1.74 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 1.74, "the eight characters are strong"; 〈 Eight-character God 〉: Eight characters are strong, and eight characters like "earth", and "earth" is the "god of love" of this eight character. It is recommended to bring Chinese characters with five elements of earth when naming.

An Tingwei An Junwu An Liangwei = = These are very high marks.