Does anyone know how to prepare the sauce for Teppanyaki at roadside stalls?

The specific method of making Teppanyaki sauce is as follows:

Ingredients that need to be prepared in advance include: 15g peanut kernels, 5g white sesame seeds, appropriate amount of soybean paste, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, and appropriate amount of light soy sauce , the right amount of vegetable oil, the right amount of refined salt, the right amount of tomato paste, the right amount of allspice powder, the right amount of cumin powder, the right amount of sugar, the right amount of ginger powder, and the right amount of water. ?

1. The first step is to grind the sesame seeds and peanuts into powder in a food processor.

2. Put light soy sauce and dark soy sauce in the bowl.

3. Add allspice powder, cumin powder, sugar and salt.

4. Add soybean paste, tomato paste, ginger powder and sesame peanut powder.

5. Add vegetable oil and water, mix well, and you are done.