How to pronounce Bear English?

Bear English: bear, pronunciation: [? l? tl] [be? (r)].

Small English [? l? tl】? Beauty [? l? tl】?

Small; Trivial; Petite; Young. Not much, slightly; A little, a little; In a short time.

Xiong English [Yes? (r)]? Beauty [ber]

Bear; Short sellers (in the securities market, etc.); Arrogant and rude person. Bear; Endure; Support; Fertility.

Examples of bear usage are as follows:

1. That? Small? Bear? Invited? We? Today. ? Me? Me? Going? Where to? His? House. ?

Chicken: It's a bear treat today. I go to his house to play!

2. Me? Saw? Answer? Small? Bear? Eat? Answer? Small? Pears! ?

I see a little bear eating a small pear!

3. small? Rabbit? Have you tried? Where to? Shoulder? Small? Bear? But? Small? Bear? Is it? Also? Heavy! ?

Rabbit tried to hug the bear, but the bear was too heavy!

Extended data:

English vocabulary of other bears:

1. Brown Bear English [Braun b? ] ? Beauty [bra? Attention? r]?

brown bear

2. raccoon English [r? ku:n]? Beauty [r? Kun]?

Raccoon; raccoon

3. Black Bear English [bl? k b? ] ? Beauty [bl? k b? r]?

Black Bear (North America, Asia)

4. Polar Bear English [? p? ul? b? ] ? Beauty [? pol? b? r]?

polar bear