About the nominalization of verbs or adjectives in Korean, the differences in semantics

-? and -? both serve to nominalize verbs or adjectives, but there are still some differences in their semantics.

When following a verb, -? simply means the action itself, such as:

? - reading;


? - writing;

-? tends to express the result of the action, such as:

- draw,? - draw (the result of this action);

? - dream,? - dream (? the result of this action);


Or a noun related to an action but not the action itself, such as:

? - jump, ? - dance.

If we compare it to English, then -? is roughly equivalent to -ing, and -? is roughly equivalent to -tion.

When following an adjective, -? indicates degree, such as:

? - big, ? - size;

-? indicates status, such as:

- beautiful (beautiful), - beauty (beauty);

- Missing, - the feeling of missing.

If compared to English, then -? is approximately equivalent to -th (such as length, depth), and -? is approximately equivalent to -ness.

Note: There is also a word ending -?, which sometimes indicates degree, such as:

? - high, ? - height ;

- heavy,? - weight (can be seen as an abbreviation);

Sometimes indicates status, For example:

? - cold (cold), ? - cold (coldness).

There are many sentence patterns that use the noun form of verbs or adjectives, such as:

-? - Because;

-?(?) - Hope;

- - Although;

- - learned (often appears in the form of past tense -);

Whether -? or -? is used in these sentence patterns is fixed and needs to be memorized.