Very popular English begins with H.

The very popular English H begins with the following:

1. Hadwyn Hardwin

This English name is translated as Hardwin. This English name not only looks classic, but it is spelled loudly. Naming a little girl means being hardworking, cheerful and rational! According to our analysis, people whose name is hadwyn are considered to be more creative and independent, and this name is super popular abroad! Hardwin contains the meaning of comrades-in-arms

2. Hazo Hasso

hazo's phonetic symbol is [hazo], which is a unique English name. Taking it as the English name of a little girl means that he is a scheming, cheerful and handsome person. Big data analysis, many people named hazo are very energetic and versatile, and this name is super popular abroad! Hasso means to see and predict.

3. hugues Hugues

This English name, transliterated in Chinese as Hugues, sounds very smooth and atmospheric. When a boy uses this English name, he can show a gentleman, mouth-watering and interesting character! Hugues history comes from French, and its popularity abroad is acceptable. The moral of Hugues is cleverness.

4. hamon Harmon

The phonetic symbol of Hamon is [hamon], and the overall length of the English name "Hamon" is 5, which is smooth and pleasant to listen to. Naming a lady means being practical, broad-minded and responsible! The history of hamon comes from German and English, and this name is super popular abroad! Harmon means House or home.

5. Hege Haig

This English name, transliterated in Chinese as Haig, looks very new and sounds very different. As a girl's name, it shows the character characteristics of understanding, talent and well-informed. Heoe comes from English, and this name is super popular abroad! Haig means meditation, words, moaning, separation.