Embolus finally went through all the difficulties, and when he saw the jiaozi that Fluttershy specially left for himself, he cried with joy. Er Niangzi said they were lovers, and all shall be well. Li Shihe and Wu Meiniang were drinking together, and Shi Li happily asked her to go to the court with her the next day, so that the civil and military officials could know how much they loved each other and Wang Zihao could meet his second sister-in-law. When Wang Zihao came to the court, he was surprised to find that Shi Li was the emperor today. He secretly glanced at Cheng and secretly told Cheng that he didn't have the courage to expose the identity of the emperor. When the emperor said that his cotton-padded clothes and trousers benefited the people and soldiers and invented toilet water, papermaking and so on, Zi Hao was extremely excited and secretly told himself to hold on and never return to the 2 1 century. ?