I want an English name (girl) that starts with a, and it's better to pronounce [ella]. Please, everyone.

Ashtar/Ashtar Estra (Norway)-Love

Abby/Abbie Abby (Hebrew)-Father's Happiness

Eddie/Eddie/Ady Eddie (German)-a noble family.

Adva Edwa (Hebrew)-Waves and ripples

Fraxinus ash (UK)-Fraxinus mandshurica

Asha Aisha (India)-Hope

Asti Esther (India)-Being.

Echo Echo (Greece)-Echo

Alan Allen (Greece)-Torch, light.

Elsee/Elsi Elsie (Hebrew)-God is my oath.

Essie Eich (Persia)-Star

Ira Ai (Greece)-warrior, elector of God; India)


Eileen Eileen (Greece)-Peace

Iris Aerith (Greece)-Rainbow, the goddess of rainbow in Greek mythology.

Isis Aeschylus (Ancient Egypt)-The Woman on the Throne