And the key to the lock. A set has six or seven keys, all of which are one-word keys. Try one by one, which is generally only effective for the kind of marble locks that cost more than ten dollars. Now it is basically gone.
There are also pressure pliers to unlock the lock, which is the practice of stupid thieves. It's easy to get caught with a pressure clamp and run slowly. Moreover, there will be a loud noise when the pressure pliers cut the lock. The average car thief on the street won't use this method.
Finally, I drove to steal a car, moved my bike to the car, and unlocked it when I came back.
As for anti-theft, I think it is much safer to buy a special-shaped lock core to lock the rear wheel and add a good chain lock to lock it with guardrail or street trees, which can shield at least 90% thieves.
Now, thieves steal everything. The frame of the last two wheels of a friend's mountain bike was taken away. Because many cars are quick-release flower drums now, when you lock the car, you must lock it on the frame, not on the wheels.