Next to the word "女", next to the word "木", next to the word "foot", next to the word "word", next to the word "door", next to the word "Gong"
Next to the word "Guang", next to the word "Cun", next to the word "Shi", next to the word "大" next to, next to the character for small, next to the character for scarf
Next to the character for 彳, next to the character for xi, next to the character for ji, next to the character for 子, next to the character for horse, next to the character for dou,
beside the character for fire, Beside the word square, next to the word heart, next to the word wei, next to the word dog, next to the word evil,
beside the word eight, next to the word human, next to the word son, next to the word you, next to the word several, next to the word sword,
Next to the word "hu", next to the word "yi", next to the word "yi", next to the word "car", next to the word "ge", next to the word "stone"
Besides the word "dragon", next to the word "water", next to the word "ye", next to the word "jin" , next to the word for plate, next to the word for arrow,
next to the word for grass, next to the word for west, next to the word for melon, next to the word for bird, next to the word for spear, next to the word for 狋,
next to the word for skin , next to the word for letter, next to the word for clothes, next to the word for sheep, next to the word for rice, next to the word for lei, next to the word for old, next to the word for insect, next to the word for 自, next to the word for xin, next to the word for wheat, next to the word for zai Next to,
Next to the word deficit, next to the word bean, next to the word blood, next to the word acupuncture point, next to the word unitary, next to the word leather,
next to the word grain, next to the word bone, next to the word ghost , next to the word wind, next to the word rain, next to the word tooth,
next to the word cai, next to the word body, next to the word angle, next to the word fish, next to the word sound, next to the word nose,
Next to the word "deer", next to the word "tile", next to the word "bi", next to the word "zhi", next to the word "force", next to the word "chen",
next to the word "豕", next to the word "li", next to the word "锟斤拷", next to the word "chuan", next to the word "yu" , Beside the word mountain,
Beside the word 立, Beside the word 王, Beside the word 工, Beside the word 土, Beside the word ER, Beside the word JIAN,
Beside the word BEI, Beside the word 田, next to the word 白, next to the word 目, next to the word 月, next to the word 日,
Next to the word 口, next to the word 曰, next to the word hemp, next to the word claw, next to the word bamboo, next to the word chen,