To become a user, you only need to download and register, but to become an up owner, you must have your own work and post it on your account, and then your work video will be approved and posted on your homepage, and you will officially become an up owner. Users are ordinary users who often watch cartoons and videos, and uo is the main contributor. Billie Billie users include up owners. But the user and the up owner are two completely different concepts. The up owner of the beep must belong to the user of the beep, but the user of the beep does not necessarily belong to the up owner of the beep. Miley Miley UPmaster is defined as a user who uploads videos or articles and personal nicknames, and is included in the keyword search list of Miley Miley users. Those who successfully registered in Bili Bili can be called users, but quite a few users are anonymous users.