First of all, this dear friend started apples in China. Who picked apples in "The Book of Songs? Zhaonan? Picking Apples"? The shore of Nanjian; where to pick fruits? Walk in the shade there. Yu Yisheng? Wei basket and basket; in Yixiang? Weiqi and ax. To lay a foundation for it? The clan door is closed. Whose body is it? There is Qi Ji's daughter. If you can be more detailed, you can reveal that this is a poem dedicated to the sacrifice of Dr. Zheng Nanguo. You can go to Xinzheng, Henan and ask their grandfather N years ago how he came up with this word.
Secondly, as for the English version, please open the Bible, Genesis Chapter 2, Section 16.17: And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. That fruit is called the fruit of the tree of good and evil, for whom is it called? Adam and Eve, actually this The fruit of wisdom was also called apple in later generations. So where did the word apple officially appear? Please see it comes from Chapter 17, Section 8 of the Bible, Old Testament, Psalms. Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the Shadow of thy wings is a chapter of blessing. Please protect me like you protect the pupils of your eyes. Hide me in the shadow of your wings. Maybe you have questions, why do you think of apples as pupils? Do you think what happened to Adam and Eve after they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of knowledge and evil? Did their eyes become brighter and they felt ashamed so they wore clothes? So it is easier to understand if we connect apple with pupils. Do you understand the meaning of apple in this way? You see, the origin of apple comes from God, which is the record of the history of the Israelite nation and the history related to Israel by the prophets of Israel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You need to go to Israel to find out why their N-th power ancestor invented this way.
OK, final summary, young people, read more classics, whether it is the Chinese "Book of Songs" or the foreign "Bible", you will understand the origin of Apple