Do you usually call foreigners by their first or last names?

Hehe, actually LZ doesn't have to worry too much about this problem. Foreigners, like China people, don't need to address themselves by their first names in informal situations.

For example, there is an employee surnamed Wang in the company, and everyone calls him Xiao Wang. Later, another king came, because everyone used to call the former Xiao Wang, and the latter naturally used his name. Not because of anything special.

For a star, people often call him by a special name. The name Kobe is not common in itself, and it is more fluent than his surname (Kobe), so people are used to calling him Kobe. But Tracy's name is a common name, so it is easy to confuse him with other people's names. So I used to call him by his last name.

In some special occasions that need to pay attention to etiquette, China people and foreigners will use their full names, which is the same.