How to tame and raise animals in raft survival? Introduction to how to tame and raise animals in raft survival

There are three animals that can be tamed in Raft, namely clucking birds, goats and alpacas. You can use the net caster to capture the animals and tame them. Press E to transport them. Press R when transporting. As the name suggests, livestock need to be fed with small lawns, and it is recommended that players make a sprinkler for automatic watering.

Introduction to animal taming methods:

There are three animals that can be tamed in Raft, namely clucking birds, goats and alpacas.

1. Animal catching method

Using a net caster, animals can be captured and tamed. Players can press the [E] key to transport them, and when transporting they can press the [R] key to name the livestock. The resources produced by livestock are very useful to the game progress! Therefore, it is very necessary to tame livestock on the raft in the game. Livestock will move around after being put down, remember to build fences to prevent livestock from walking into the sea.

2. Feeding method

Tamed livestock need to be fed with small lawns. Only well-fed livestock will produce resources. Hungry livestock will lower their heads and stop all resource production. A small lawn takes 5 minutes to grow, and livestock eat every 8 minutes in normal mode (see the game mode page for details on other difficulties). Therefore, it is enough to have one small lawn for each animal, but we still recommend that players place more small lawns as buffers in case they sometimes forget to water them.

Sprinklers can automatically water small lawns, but they require batteries to work. When the battery runs out, the player must replace it manually. If the sprinkler is connected to the electronic purifier through a water pipe, there is no need to worry about the sprinkler running out of water, otherwise the player must manually add fresh water to the sprinkler.