What does Christ mean by calling Revelation a scripture?

"Revelation Scripture" in Christianity refers to some biblical prophecies and revelations, which have been fulfilled in history. These scriptures are usually regarded as the word of God, which is the support and proof of Christian faith. Some common apocalyptic texts include:

Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and he will be named Emmanuel." This prophecy is regarded as a harbinger of the birth of Jesus Christ.

New Testament-Micah 5: 2: "As for you, though Ephrath is the smallest in Judah, he will raise up a leader for me from among you, whose roots have existed since ancient times." This prophecy is regarded as a harbinger of the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

-Psalm 22: 16: "They opened their mouths against me, opened their mouths and bit me." This passage is regarded as a description of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

These revelations are regarded as the word of God and the support and proof of Christian faith.