People who open their mouths and do nothing are hypocritical, hypocritical. -democritus
All doers try to hold the world in their own hands, while all thinkers try to hold the world in their own minds. -Goethe
You never know what you can do unless you try it yourself. Maria
The doer only does it after the speech. -Gaboriaud
Face the morning light, not the sunset fantasy. -Toby Carlisle
Learning must be combined with hard work. Tagore
Dreamers live long, doers live short. Joe O'Reilly
Since you can't do whatever you want, you can do whatever you can. -Tyrrhenius
If we are confined to our dreams, who will make life better? Gorky
God gives birds food, not nests. Horton!
A man, like a clock, is measured by his actions. It means "worth … pence": threepenny
The little things that have been done are better than the big things that have been planned. -Wright
You'd better do the necessary things now. -Morent.
What will happen next if you do what you have to do? Herbert
A wise man does not do the impossible. -Massingue