Want to give full marks? Special symbol input for speed name ID and Wubi font code can produce some strange symbols
丨: hhl 灬: oyyy 亠: yyg 犭: qte 飣: qnb 扌: rgh
礻: pyi 蠠: yyn 冖: pyn 辶: pyny 钅: qtgn 衤: pui
廴: pny 亻: wth 纟: xxx 刂: jhh 氵: iyyg 丿: ttl
夂: ttn 彳:ttth 婩:bnh 嘝:bnh 凵:bnh 忄:nyhy
嫫:uyg 璒:uygg 丬:uygh 宀:pyy 艹:aghh 匚:agn
廻: agt 幹:qtn 豸:eer 厶:cny 糸:xiu 卺:xnny
乇:tav 夭:tdi 嬣:tfd 偸:thf 彡:ett 豕:egt
奚: exd?:gjg丶:gjk虍:hav 呙:kmwu弁:caj
巛: vnnn彐:vng屮:bhk狋:nhi殳:mcu丶:yyl 2. Pinyin is pianpang (radical) There are: 疒睝肀匚纟艹虍亠廾忄彐冂亻佀刂灬丨剌冫攵丨礻夂楣丱屮侶冖彡充…………all can use three, 乂侶乛氵亻丿訁蠠 亠丶扌剌丹丗丗廌卌疒孑廴阝卩孲忄丨卝丄钅釒灬
The above characters support running ID. Note: When copying, run running windowing Below is the hollow word LOVE. You can copy it directly using ┃ ┏┃┃┃┏┙ ┃ ┃┃┃┃┏┙ —┚—┚—┚—┚ (love) 4. Use Microsoft radical name input
One drawing
丨vertical shu
(乛) fold zhe
冫二 Some water
刂立刀平 儿li
亻 Danren Pang'erdan
卩 Daner Pang'erdan
阝 Zuo Erdao'er zuo
(丷 ) Bazi Tou'er ba
(丆) Shi Zi Tou'er shi
冂 Same as the character frame tong
Three paintings
辶walk 子子 zou
忄立心 beside shu
艹草 prefix cao
宀宝盈儿 bao
(乊) hu prefix hu
丬jiang next to the word jiang
扌 beside the handle ti
銭狠狗 beside fan
饣食之字 next to shi
纺箷丝 next to jiao
傂志文儿 p>
The first word for winter is zhe
Four Paintings
The word "shi" is next to the word "shi"
攵风文儿 fan
(爫) the character for claw zhao
(瓓) the character for gang next to
the character for net next to gang
wang p>
(牜) niu next to the word ox
Five paintings or more
bing next to the word for disease
yi next to the word 褤衣
jin next to the word "钅金"
jiao next to the silk twisted silk
(罒) si
(覀) 西头儿xi
(糹) Jiao
(訁) yan
(釒) Next to the word gold is jin
(堠) Next to the word food is shi