Yellow bouquet
You can bring yellow lilies, yellow roses or yellow carnations. Yellow gives people a particularly happy, bright and sunny feeling, which makes people walk out of the restless mood. Yellow roses represent sincere friendship with friends. I hope my friends can overcome the torture of the disease and be safe and healthy as soon as possible.
Pink bouquet
You can choose pink perfume lily, or pink lily. Lily's flower language can regulate the body and maintain a relaxed and happy body and mind. I hope you have a good sleep and good spirits. Lily is for friends, and it can also show a constant friendship to friends.
Pink bouquets can be paired with balloon flowers and sunflowers to express the hope that colleagues can take good care of themselves. Health is the most important thing, and don't forget the silent blessing of your friends.
What flowers do friends send when they are sick?
Besides these flowers, you can also send Phalaenopsis+roses. Phalaenopsis flies to you on behalf of happiness, and good luck comes to you, which means wishing friends health, happiness and peace! Roses represent friends' care, friends' blessings and warm smiles.