Fei Yi (? -1733) Guoluo Roche. Manchu yellow flag, the daughter of three officials. One sister is a noble, and both are concubines of Emperor Kangxi. In August of the 16th year of Kangxi (1677), it was appropriate to record Guo, "The Holy Father loves him very much". In the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679), on the fourth day of December, Yin Qi, the fifth son of the emperor, was born. In December of the twentieth year of Kangxi, he was promoted to be the second among the four concubines, second only to Hui Fei. In the 22nd year of Kangxi, Yi Yin gave birth to nine sons. In the 24th year of Kangxi (1685), eleven sons of Yin Yundi were born. Fei Yi was one of the four favorite concubines in the early years of Kangxi. Fei Yi is the biological mother of Yi Yin, Yong Zhengdi's political rival. Yong Zhengdi and the future emperor Qianlong excluded Fei Yi when addressing concubines of past dynasties as toffee. In the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726), Yin Gui, the second son of Fei Yi, died in prison. In the tenth year of Yongzheng (1732), Yin Qi, the eldest son, died of illness on May 19th. In the 11th year of Yongzheng, Fei Yi died on August 25th. On September 25th, the second year of Qianlong, he was buried in Princess Jingling Garden.