What are the names of the heroes of each race in Warcraft?

Night Elf:

Warden - Maiev Shadowsong;

Priestess of the Moon - Tyrande Whisperwind;

Jungle Guardian - Cenarius (Malfurion Stormrage);

Demon Hunter - Illidan Stormrage.


Tauren Chieftain - Cairne Bloodhoof;

Shadow Hunter - Lorkhan (Vol'jin);

< p>Prophet - Drek'Thar (Thall);

Juggernaut - (Grom Hellscream).


Great Mage—Antonidas (Jaina Proudmoore);

Paladin—Uther Lightbringer ;

Blood Elf Mage——Kael'thas Sunstrider;

King of the Hill——Muradin Bronzebeard.


Death Knight - Arthas Menethil;

Lich - Kel'Thuzad;

Dread Lord—Varimathras (Tichondrius)

Crypt Lord—Anub'rakhan.


Beast Tamer (Beast Master) - Rexxar Remar;

Dark Ranger - Sylvanas Windrunner ;

Light Ranger—Alleria Windrunner;

Lord of the Abyss—Manoroth;

Naga Sea Witch—Vas Qi;

Fire Lord - Ragnaros;

Panda Brewmaster - Chen Stormstout;

Alchemist - Camoz;

Goblin Tinker——Baoshi.