English store name

Looking for a meaningful English store name? Kaari OK homophonic karaoke

Kaari Kaarie is reminiscent of Folli Follie

Fairy Kaari Kali fairy is smooth and smooth

Pumpkin Kaariage homophonic "pumpkin carriage" pumpkin carriage

Successories = "success" success "accesories" accessories

Cutadorns = "cute" cute adorns accessories

Bloom/ Bloomy blooming/blooming (both refers to girls After dressing up, it looks like a blooming flower, which also means business is prosperous)

Briskaari / Brisk / Brisky Brisk Lively; (business) prosperous

Hope this helps you

Want a beautiful English name Michael: Michelle, Michaela, Mica

Gabrielle: Gabrielle, Gabriella

Rafael: Rafael, Raffaella

My favorite name:

Angel of Energy - Cassiel (Casio)

Other female English names:

Wolf King - Ulrica (Excellent Lika)

Killer - Quella (Guila)

Hazy - Cecilia (Cecilia)

Soft - Claudia (Claudia) Ya)

Xin - Desdemona (Disdemona)

Emperor Shitian - Indira (Yingdira)

Childless - Izefia ( Yi Zhefa)

Martial Saint - Louise (Louis)

Danae - Danae, meaning since it is gold falling from the sky like rain.

This name is so clever! ! What do you think?




White Snow - Snow (Snow)

Ice - Ice (Aisi)

Moon - Celina (Selina)

Son of the Moon ——Amaris (Emma Lisi)

Hazy—Sicily (Sisili)

Hazy—Cecile (Cecile)

Angel— ―Angelina (Angelina)



Sakura― ―Sakura (Sakura)

Clean - Karida (Carida)

Clean - Elina (Elina)

Wings - Aletta (Eleta)

True white - Blanche (white blue snow)

True white - Fiona (Fiona)

Xuelan - Elodie ( Elodie)

Rose Tears - Dolores (Dolores)

Sadness - Delores (Delores)

Soft - Claudia (Claudia)

Mochou - Deirdre (Deirdre)

Xin - Desdemona (Desdemona)

Rainy night - Amaya

Amaryllis - Amaryllis

Autumn Peony - Anemone

Beauty God ——Cytheria


Flower Fairy——Laraine

Holy Empress—— ―Dione(Dione)

Angel Michael——Michelle

Angel Michael——Michaela

June Angel - Muriel (Muriel)

Night Demon - Lilith (Lilith)

Spring Girl - Ishtar (Ishtar)


Spring Lady - Easter (Ishtar)

River Demon - Lorelei (Lorelei)

Enchantress - Delilah (Dilila)

Flower of Darkness - Melantha

Princess - Sade

(Note: This is Sarah’s nickname. From 1740 to 1814, there was a male writer in France also named Sade. His works are full of sexual perversion. Therefore, the word sadist was later derived from his name. The word sad also seems to mean sadism.


Amethyst - Amethyst (Amethyst)

Light - Kira (Jira): Etymology - Latin

Clean - Karida (Carida)

Etymology: *** slang

Meaning: purity

Chinese name: Jie

Your land (royal Castle pasture) Kimberly: Etymology - English

Monarch (unmatched) - Kimi (Ji Mei): Etymology - Japanese

Sun lover - Kyrene (Ji Lian)

Meaning: Lover of the Sun God (alien of Cyrene)

Chinese name: Lover of the Sun

Angel of Energy - Cassiel (Casio)

Etymology: Latin

Meaning: Energy Angel, Saturday Angel

Representative: Energy Angel Casio

Chinese name: Energy Angel

Universe - Cosima

Etymology: Greek

Meaning: Universe, coordination

Chinese name: Universe

Intelligence (Cassiopeia) - Cassiopeia (Cassie Opia)

Clover - Clover (Clover)

Meaning: Clover (The flower language of clover is happiness. And it is said that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will get happiness)

Representative characters...gt; gt;

Complete list of English names for boys English: Chinese: Source: Meaning:

Aaron Aaron The majestic mountain of Hebrew; inspired by God.

Abbott Hebrew fatherly; great spirit.

Abel Abel Latin life; breathing.

Abner Abner Hebrew wise; intelligent.

Abraham Abraham the noble father; the father of all.

Adair Adair Scotland, Ireland is as strong as a tree.

Adam Adam Hebrew the first man in the world, male

Addison Addison British descendant of Adam.

Adolph Adolf Germany The noble wolf.

Adonis Adonis Greek handsome man.

Adrian Adrian Latin is a person who lives by the Adriatic Sea.

Ahern Yaheng Celtic owner of the horse.

Alan Alan Scandinavia handsome, good-looking; harmonious, peaceful; happy.

Albert Albert UK Noble intelligence; guardian of mankind.

Aldrich Aldrich Britain's wise ruler.

Alexander Alexander Greece protector of mankind; helper of people.

Alfred Alfred British; Teutonic wise advisor; smart helper.

Alger Alger British glorious and noble guard.

Algernon Algernon France A bearded man.

Allen Allen Gale is harmonious; handsome; good-looking.

Alston Oston, UK, a person of noble birth.

Alva Alva Latin Caucasian; blond.

Alvin Alvin Teutonic is loved by everyone; everyone's friend.

Alvis Alves, Norway, a short and capable person.

Amos Amos Hebrew A person who has a long way to go.

Andre Andrew France is brave and brave.

Andrew Andrew Greek male, brave, brave.

Andy Andy Greek male, brave, brave.

Angelo Angelo Italy Messenger of God.

August Angus Gale is the one and only god of love.

Ansel Ansel France A person of extremely noble birth or upbringing.

Antony Antony Latin is worthy of praise and highly respected.

Antoine An Dongguan Europe is worthy of praise and highly respected.

Antonio Antonio Latin is worthy of praise and highly respected.

Archer Archer England The strong man who drew the critical bow.

Archibald Archibald British noble, brave.

Aries Alex Latin ram.

Arlen Yaerlin British pledge.

Arman German soldier.

Armstrong Armstrong UK A person with strong arms.

Arno Teutonic Eagle.

Arnold Teutonic Eagle.

Arthur Arthur British noble or noble.

Arvin Teutonic treats others with equality.

Asa Asa Hebrew God's gift; healer.

Ashbur Ashburn, the British race to join the WTO, spreads the good news.

Atwood Atwood British people who live in forests or forests.

Aubrey Aubrey Teutonic rich and powerful king; elf.

August Augsburg Latin sacred, respected or noble person; August.

Augustine Augustine Latin refers to people born in August.

Avery Avery British fighting; naughty, prankster.

Baird Baird Ireland is a person who is good at singing folk songs.

Baldwin Teutonic man who was very brave on the battlefield.

Bancroft Bancroft British bean grower.

Bard Bard UK A very happy person who likes to raise livestock.

Barlow Barlow Greece People who live in the mountains.

Barnett Barnett British leader.

Baron Barron British brave warrior; noble; baron.

Barret Barret Teutonic has a big responsibility...gt; gt;

A complete list of good English names for girls Abby: a petite and cute woman, quiet and lovable , sweet personality.

Aimee: means lovely person.

Alisa: means happy girl.

Angelia: Angel, the one who sends messages. Angelia is described as a beautiful, petite woman who either has a sweet and gentle personality or is a lively and reckless girl.

Amanda: Its root means love. Indicates a lovely person. People think she is conservative, beautiful, slender, sweet and rich

Anne: A kind, elegant girl who likes to help others. Many queens and princesses in the royal family have this name or ANNIE, and many civilians also like this name. .

Carrie: She comes across as a cute, smart blonde girl who may have two extremely different personalities; one is a fun and outgoing girl, and the other is a quiet woman who likes to be alone. (Same as Kerry)

Cassie: A cute, popular college girl, happy and sweet.

Daisy: Daisy. A sweet and lovely blonde girl from the forest.

Fern means diligent, studious and quiet

Alice means nobility

Bunny means colorful, friendly and approachable

Belle means elegant, beautiful and cheerful Passionate

Estelle is independent, friendly and warm

Ja *** ine has the intention of flowers and fragrance

Iris is tall, slim and meticulous idealist

Emily is petite, cute and quiet









Anastasia Thea (nicknamed Stacey)





Ann (English form of Hannah)

Anne (same as Ann)

Annie (Ann’s nickname)

Anita Anita (Spanish for Ann)


April April


Aviva Aviva (same as Avivahc and Avivi)

Barbara Barbara

Beata Beate

Beatrice Beatrice (same as Beatrix)

Becky Becky (Rebecca’s nickname)

Betty Betty (Elizabeth’s nickname)

Blanche Blanche

Bonnie Bonnie

Brenda Brenda (the female form of Brandon and Brendan)

Camille Camille

Candice Candice

Carina Carina

Carmen Carmen




Carrie Kerry (the nickname of Carol and Caroline, the same as Kerry)

Cassandra Cassandra

Charlene Charlene (the same as Caroline, Charlotte)

Charlotte Charlotte


Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, also the same as Sheryl)

Chris (Christine, short for Kristine, Same as Kris)

Christina Christina (same as Christine)

Christine Christine

Christy Christy (abbreviation of Christine)

Cindy Cinderella, Cynthia, Lucinda's nickname





Connie (Constance's Nickname)

Constance Constance

Cora Cora

Corrine Corrine

Crystal Krystal (same as Krystal )

Daisy Daisy

Daphne Daphne

Darcy darcy

Debbie Debbie (D......gt; gt;

10 points for a nice English store name Denim I think is better, it is actually the English name of denim, the name is appropriate and unique, easy to remember

In addition, Fitting, It means trying on clothes and finding a good fit, simple and creative

What is the English name for Yu Ying? Abigail Abigail

Abby Abby (abbreviation of Abigail)

Ada Aida (abbreviation of Adelaide)

Adelaide Adelaide

Adeline Adeline

Alexandra Alexandra









Anastasia Anastasia (nicknamed Stacey)






Ann Ann (English form of Hannah)

Anne Anne (same as Ann)

Annie Annie (Ann’s nickname)

Anita Anita (Spanish form of Ann) )

Ariel Ariel

April April

Ashley Ashley

Aviva Aviva (same as Avivahc and Avivi)



Beatrice Beatrice (same as Beatrix)

Becky Ji (Rebecca's nickname


Betty Betty (Elizabeth's nickname)

Blanche Blanche

Bonnie Bonnie

Brenda Brenda (the female form of Brandon and Brendan)

Camille Camille

Candice Candice

Carina Carina






(Carol and Caroline’s nicknames are the same as Ker


Cassandra Cassandra

Cassie (Catherine, Cassandra’s nickname)

Catherine Catherine (Katherine’s English form, the same as Katherine)

Cathy Cathy (Catherine’s nickname, same as Kathy)

Chelsea Chelsea

Charlene Charlene (same as Caroline, Charlotte)

Charlotte Charlotte


Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, also the same as Sheryl)

Chris (Christine, Kristine) (same as Kris)

Christina (same as Christine)


Christy (same as Christine)

Cindy (Cinderella, Cynthia, Lucinda's nickname)

Claudia Claudia

Clement Clement

Cloris Cloris

Connie Connie (Constance’s nickname)

Constance Constance

Cora Cora

Corrine Corrine

Crystal Krystal (same as Krystal)




Debbie Debbie (Deborah, Debra's nickname)

Deborah Deborah

Debra Debra

Demi Demi

Diana Diana










Ellen Ellen

Ellie (Eleanor, Ellen's nickname)



Emma Emma


Elsa Elsa (Elizabeth’s nickname)

Erica Erica (female form of Eric )

Estelle Estelle

Esther Esther

Eudora Eudora

Eva Eva

Eve Eve

Fannie Fen...gt;gt;

How to say name in English (name means "name", and also refers to someone The meaning of naming things, including people)

For example: I n

amed my child Ben.

Or: I named my cat Tom.

And Make a name is wrong, there is no such statement. I made a name for my child is wrong because you did not "make" the name.

English name writing format The most standard way to write Chinese names in English is to directly translate them into Chinese pinyin: Li Leyang or Lee Yeyang. Westerners’ habit is to put the first name first and the last name last. If there is a middle name between the two, (Middle name), Middle name is generally abbreviated. If Chinese people have English names, they can refer to this format in formal occasions. For example, the English name of Zhang Chaoyang, the founder and chairman of Sohu's board of directors, is written as: Charles CY. Zhang. Zhang Chaoyang's name is written this way in all official English documents of Sohu.

If there is no English name, then you should directly translate the Chinese name into Chinese Pinyin as English writing according to Chinese habits (surname first, first name last)! A very typical example is that at the Olympic Games, the names of all Chinese athletes were translated like this on their sportswear (it was not the case before. Later, the country promulgated the "Chinese Pinyin Scheme" and explained that the "Chinese Pinyin Scheme" is the only way to spell Chinese names of people and places. After the standard, it was unified), so the English writing of Chinese names is Hanyu Pinyin: the surname comes first, the given name comes last, the surname and the given name are written separately, and the first letters of the surname and the given name are both capitalized!

The two-character surname is: For example: Zhang San should be written: Zhang San

The three-character surname is: 1. Single surname, for example: Li Xiaoyan should be written: Li Xiaoyan

2. Compound surname, for example: Sima Xiangru should be written: Sima Xiangru

1. Last Name is the surname, First Name is the given name, please do not confuse.

2. The Mandarin Roman Pinyin Comparison Table is the Chinese and English name translation principle adopted by the Passport Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In order to maintain the unity of all documents, students are recommended to translate names and addresses according to this table.

3. The student’s English name should be transliterated from the Chinese name and matched with the English name used on the university’s English graduation certificate, English transcripts, TOEFL/GRE/GMAT exams, school applications, and passport and visa applications. Completely consistent. If the names are inconsistent, it will cause identity problems when applying for schools, applying for passports, and visas, which will only increase the trouble.

4. If there is an English alias (such as John, Mary, etc.), the alias can be used as the Middle Name. [Example] Wang Fuping has an English alias STEVE. His English name can be listed in the following way: WANG FUPING S Last Name First Name M.I.

5. If there is no English alias, do not fill in M.I.

6. It is best not to use English aliases unless necessary. It is easiest to use only the English translation of the Chinese name.

7. Suggestions for using English names abroad: Foreigners are accustomed to putting the first name in front and the last name in the back; while Chinese people put the last name in the front and the first name in the back, sometimes when filling in overseas Information is often wrong. It is recommended that when typing resumes, printing business cards or processing information, if the Last Name is not indicated where the name is filled in, the correct way to express the English name can be as follows: Fuping Wang or Wang, Fuping

I want many English names zhengji/77 This is an English name for boys, such as,

A complete list of men’s English names, origins and explanations A AARON

(Hebrew) inspired meaning , AARON is described as a short but handsome man, honest, hard-working and responsible, and an efficient leader with a calm personality. ABEL

(Hebrew) means breathing and is the abbreviation of ABELARD. Most people think that ABEL is a tall, strong athlete, capable, independent, and smart. Some people think ABEL is a thin, docile boy. ABRAHAM

Originally from Hebrew, it means the father of the nation. Later, it evolved to mean the father of things. Most people describe ABRAHAM as a tall, strong, bearded leader, honest, dignified, and intelligent, like President Abraham Lincoln. ADAM

(Hebrew), meaning made of red clay. It is said that God created man from red clay, and Adam was the first man he created. ADAM is described as a tall, dark, handsome, muscular man, calm and intelligent. ADRIAN

(Latin) meaning black. People describe ADRIAN as a charming, feminine man, sensitive, considerate, lovable, and wealthy. ALVA

The Hebrew name gives people a very noble and solemn feeling. The Bible says that ALVA is a place name and a racial name. ALEX

is the abbreviation of ALEXandER. People think that ALEX is a strong and healthy man of Greek descent, smart, kind and lovable. ALAN

According to legend, there was a poet in England named Alawn, whose meaning was very similar to Alan. But later, the name was often changed into Eilian, Allan, Ailin, A'lon, etc. wait. The pronunciation of Alan is similar to the Saxon Aylwyn or Alwyn (meaning familiar friend). So it is very popular in the UK. ALBERT

(Old English) means noble and wise. ALBERT evokes three images: fat, bulky, slow, like Fat Albert; smart, eccentric, like Albert Einstein: or formal, ALFRED (Old English), wise counselor\. ALFRED gives people two completely different impressions: one is an overweight wise man, the so-called wise man is a wise old man who acts cautiously, and the other is a weak nerd. Andy

is the abbreviation of ANDREW. ANDREW in Greek describes manliness, majesty, and courage.

Andy is described as a tall, blond, ordinary man with a childlike innocence, happy, easy-going, honest and honest. ANGUS

The only choice. ANGUS are seen as fools who behave strangely and get into trouble. ANTHONY

(Latin) means priceless. People think that ANTHONY is a tall, dark Italian man, smart, strong and persevering. ARTHUR

(Celtic) nobleman, (Welsh) hero. Arthur has two different meanings: an interesting old man whose life is full of stories and loves to be noticed; or a wise man who is quiet, unique and keeps his promises. AUSTIN

Same as August, Augustine.AUSTIN is regarded as a smart, frank and polite big boy-or a rich man who is proud of his talent.


(Hebrew) means son; abbreviation of all names starting with BEN. Ben is described as a tall, strong, dark-haired man, calm, cute, easy-going and gentle. BENSON

(Hebrew English) Son of Benjamin Benjamin's son. Thanks to Benson Dubois on TV, Benson is described as a witty black butler, smart, considerate and funny. BRANT

Old German, meaning fairy. The so-called goblin here is not the derogatory term you and I think, but the general name used by ancient Germans for gods. BRENT

Represents a mountain top or summer resort. BRIAN

(Irish) Strength, virtue, most people think of Bri...gt;gt;