Name meaning: beautiful, which means beautiful, excellent, charming and beautiful. Originally the abbreviation of the Germanic name in the Middle Ages, it contains the element Linde, which means "softness and gentleness". It also coincides with linda in Spanish and Portuguese, which means "beautiful".
Name impression: I have a habit of liking the new and hating the old, with rich imagination, clear goals and knowing what I want.
Belinda's name is associated with the French word belle, which means "beautiful". The famous gunman is Bell Starr (1848- 1889), the gangster in the western United States. His real name is Mabel.
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Skills of choosing English names:
Give English names with good pronunciation. There are many pronunciations of English words, sometimes with good pronunciations and bad pronunciations, which is also the key to giving children English names.
Give the baby an English name by literal translation of the baby's surname. If the baby's surname is Li Mingrui, it can be named Ming Ruili.