Take English names. Chinese name is graceful. I hope it will be sunny, not too long.

Although I have tried my best to find a name that starts with P or T, it is still a little difficult to find an English name that sounds very graceful.

Provide the following beautiful and meaningful names. I hope you can find a name that suits your personality through the meaning of the name.

Pandora (Pandora)

Derived from Greek deification. It means "all gifts". In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first female mortal name. God gave her a box and told her not to open it. But her curiosity made her do something she shouldn't have done, and the evil in the box was released at the moment she opened the box to spy.

This name is suitable for people with curiosity/adventurous spirit.

Phoebe (pronounced Phoebe)

From Greek mythology. It means "bright and pure". In Greek mythology, the identity of the goddess with this name is related to the moon.


In Latin, willingness is "value"

In English, it means "praise"


From India. In Indian mythology, it is the name of a princess. It means "beloved".

The name feels a bit mysterious and exotic.

Theresa/Theresa (Theresa)

Derived from Greek. It means "summer".

Suitable for lively and cheerful girls.

If you think Theresa /Teresa is too long, you can use the simplified Tess/Teri/Terri/Terrie/Tracy/Tracy.

Trena (pronounced tree-nah)

From Macedonia (Europe). It means "rose".

This name means "sweet but prickly" and has a gentle but strong charm.