How to pronounce the name of Amitabha in Tibetan?

Tibetan pronunciation of amitabha: there is no amitabha in the south. In Tibetan Buddhism, people who are not called "Amitabha" are mostly called "Infinite Life Buddha".

Amitābha (Sanskrit Amit ā bha), also known as Infinite Buddha, Infinite Light Buddha, Infinite Life Buddha, etc. According to Mahayana classics, Amitabha made a great wish to establish a pure land in the West, which was boundless and solemn, and was widely respected and promoted by Mahayana Buddhism.

One thing to pay attention to when reading the name of "Amitabha". It can't be pronounced as "Oh (W is not or) Amitabha", but as "A (ā) Amitabha".

A (ā) is the opening sound, the mouth is open, and it is pronounced in the throat and chest. This "A (ā)" gate, the secret "Dalagni", will always be one of the practices. In the practice of secret multiplication, there is a way to observe and recite the word "Yi (ā)". The word "A (ā)" is the pronunciation of Sanskrit letters and the opening sound of all living beings.

Extended data:

Amitabha, not from Sanskrit, is a simplification of Amitabha or Amitabha Yus. There are also simplified as Tammy Buda, amita and Tammy.

But simplified Chinese has another original meaning in Sanskrit. Amitabha, amita is boundless; Amita Buddha means boundless Buddha. Amitabha, Tami can be measured; Tamiflu means measurable Buddha. Ah, Sanskrit A means negative.


Amitabha (Buddhist terminology)-Baidu Encyclopedia