1. The name "Easy Home Appliance Repair" or "Easy Home Appliance Repair" makes people think that you have great skills and can repair anything without any effort! Most customers are eager to use it, so they can feel more at ease letting you repair it!
2. <New Technology Home Appliance Repair Center>; <Modern Home Appliance Repair Center>;
<All-round High-Tech Home Appliance Repair Center>; etc. are particularly attractive to big customers because these names all reflect a high-end technology component. Among them, owners of large and expensive electrical appliances often like this type of font size, because other big names like them cannot trust them!
3. Those with unique personalities: <Home Appliance Clinic>; <Home Appliance 120 Center>; ;;
Ah! There are so many things I can think of! I hope you are satisfied!