、\"|\"。Detailed naming rules are as follows:1. The allowed file or folder nam" />

How to give a good name to a file?

Windows file names cannot contain the following symbols:

"?" 、"、"、"╲"、"/"、"*"、"""、"""、"<; ”、" >、"|"。

Detailed naming rules are as follows:

1. The allowed file or folder name cannot exceed 255 characters.

2. You can use spaces anywhere except the beginning of the file name.

3. The file name cannot contain the following symbols: "?" 、"、"、"╲"、"/"、"*"、"""、"""、"<; ”、" >、"|"。

4. The file name of 4.Windows 98 is case insensitive, but it can be displayed in case format.

5. The file name can contain multiple separators, such as "My File". My picture. 00 1"。