Feng Qiaosang
Feng Qixiao...
"The Book of Songs" Xiaoya·What is there about Jiayu in the south
There is a platform in Nanshan
There is a platform in the south mountain and a rai in the north mountain. Joy is only a gentleman's, the foundation of a country. A happy gentleman will live forever.
There are mulberries in the southern mountains and poplars in the northern mountains. A happy gentleman is the light of the country. A happy gentleman will live forever.
There are plums in the southern mountains and plums in the northern mountains. Le is only a gentleman, the father and mother of the people. Only a gentleman can enjoy music and have endless virtue.
There are castanopsis in the southern mountains and 杻 in the northern mountains. A gentleman is only happy, but he has no eyebrows or longevity. Music is only for a gentleman, and virtue and sound are luxuriant.
There are wolfberries in the southern mountains and 楥 in the northern mountains. He is a gentleman who is happy, but he is not a yellow coward. Happy to be a gentleman, to protect the Queen.
There are quite a few words beside the word "木", and they all have very good meanings. You can use them as you like