How to use command blocks to summon creatures in Minecraft

The following method is applicable to 1.7 or above because this version only has one (/summon entity name coordinates) instruction, method:

/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a pig

/summon Cow ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a cow

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a cow Zombies

By analogy, the following are the English words for the creatures:

Cow - Cow

Chicken - Chicken

MushroomCow - Mushroom Cow

Bat - Bat

Pig - Pig

EntityHorse - Horse

Sheep - Sheep

Villager - Villager

VillagerGolem - Iron Golem

SnowMan - Snow Golem

Wolf - Wolf/Dog

Ozelot - Cat

Squid - squid

Zombie - zombie

Skeleton - skeleton

Creeper - creeper/self-explosion monster/JJ monster

PigZombie - zombie Pigman

Ghast - Ghost/Ghast

Enderman - Enderman/"Black Faggot"

Silverfish - Silverfish/Mite

Endermite - Ender Mite

Slime - Slime

LavaSlime - Hell Slime

Witch - Witch

Guardian - Underwater Guard

Blaze - Blaze

Spider - Spider

CaveSpider - Cave Spider

EnderDragon - Ender Dragon Boss

WitherBoss - Wither Boss

Giant - Giant Zombie


Boat - Boat

MinecartRideable - Ordinary minecart

MinecartHopper - Hopper minecart

MinecartFurnace - Furnace minecart

MinecartCommandBlock - Command block minecart

MinecartChest - Box Minecart

MinecartSpawner - Monster Spawner Minecart

SmallFireball - Small Fireball (from Blaze)

Fireball - Fireball (from Ghast) )

Item - Item

LeashKnot - Rope Knot

Painting - Painting

LightningBolt - Thunder

ThrownExpBottle - XP bottle thrown

WitherSkull - Wither Skull (skull issued by Wither Boss)

EnderCrystal - End Crystal

FireworksRocketEntity - Issued Fireworks


- Thrown arrow

ThrownPotion - Throwed potion

ThrownEnderpearl - Throwed ender pearl

EyeOfEnderSignal - Signal of the eye of ender

PrimedTnt - ignited TNT

FallingSand - falling sand attribute

ItemFrame - item display

XPOrb - experience orb


unknown - fishing bait